Let me stop for a minute to remind you that we have moved into a home 1/4 of our original size with exactly one storage closet aside from the kids' bedroom closets. And then let me remind you that the boys' lacrosse equipment includes helmet, shoulder pads, gloves, stick, elbow pads, and cleats. And as a goalie, Ella's equipment includes two sticks, helmet, chest pad, thigh pads, shin guards, gloves and an assortment of other things. Basically, their equipment fills up a good part of our ONE closet - but sure, I was excited to bring all that equipment with us!
We arrived at practice yesterday to find a big group of people ready to start the Academy practice with one surprise - they all practiced together and played together. Which meant that 7 year old Henry and 10 year old Sumner played with 20 year old guys who wanted to learn a new sport. I think that this picture below summed it up perfectly - Sumner is in the middle (dark grey shirt) getting ready to face-off with a kid his size (thankfully) and then slightly to the left is Henry (in orange shirt with white helmet and Green strip jersey) facing his opponent who outweighed him by 200 pounds and had at least 15 inches on him as well. The best part was that Henry was the player running around the field hitting people with his stick and yelling for them to throw him the ball - despite him having no idea what he was doing! Sumner scored a couple goals! Small world - the coach in the white shirt and funny looking shorts below is KJ Sauer, a 2006 Duke Lacrosse grad who is the main coach for the boys' Academy - go Duke.
This field is atop a parking garage at UWC Dover, one of the best schools in Singapore - it wasn't even accepting any 2014 applications when we decided to move here this past spring. It is an Astroturf field in full sun and it literally smelled like burning astroturf yesterday afternoon thanks to the fact that it was 95 degrees out and 90% humidity. After running around for only 30 minutes (without pads thankfully except for Henry who wanted to wear his and once I saw his opponents I figured it was a good idea), the kids were bright red and soaking wet. We went through a huge amount of water but it wasn't enough for one of the other participants who collapsed due to heat stroke. Scary how easily it can happen here. After 90 minutes of practice, the boys were thrilled and exhausted (and stinky).
At the same time, Ella practiced with the girls/ladies who were learning to play. Two weeks out of her cast, she is still having a hard time getting around on her ankle without it really hurting so she didn't do a lot of running but still participated. Hopefully it will start to get stronger as she uses it more and more - it's definitely slowing her down a lot right now. Wasn't nearly as exhausting for her but still a good practice.
After the FREE Academy practices (the only thing we have found in Singapore that is free!), the SLA Mens and Womens Lacrosse teams practice and scrimmage for 90 minutes. These are all either former high school or college lax players that have found themselves in Singapore or else grownups that have decided to take up a new sport. This is a paid league that practices each week and plays against other teams when they visit from other countries. After learning that Ella was a goalie and watching her practice during the Academy they approached us about her being a goalie for the Womens' team. The concern of course was the fact that she's a lot younger than the other players so they wanted to be sure we were comfortable about her playing against them. She was eager to do it so we gave her permission and now she's going to practice with the Academy in the field from 4 - 5:30 and then with the team from 5:30 - 7pm each Sunday as a goalie. She's very excited although she's going to have to really practice and learn a lot to be able to stop these players' shots since this isn't Middle School lacrosse any more!