Friday, January 9, 2015

What a deal!!????

So we were running through a shopping area the other day and there was a car parked inside with a signs all around it promoting what a great deal it was.  I almost had to laugh at the fact that this was a "great deal"!

As background, Singapore has been working very hard to control the amount of traffic on the roads since it is a small island and there are over 5 million inhabitants on an island that is only 275 square miles (just larger than San Francisco).  People wanting to own a car have two major obstacles to overcome.  First anyone wanting to buy a car must FIRST purchase a Certificate of Entitlement that costs $70,000 and only lasts for 10 years.  

The next step involves actually buying a car and the prices are absolutely ridiculous!  So we got a real kick out of the price displayed on the windshield of this Volkswagen Golf - look, only $124,800!!!  Just looked online and you can buy it for $23,000 in NC.  Hmmmmmm

What a deal!!!

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