Stamford American International School holds an International Fiesta each year and to say that it is an undertaking would be an understatement. With 70 different countries represented in the student body, there were plenty of people involved in this event. It spanned over three days with certain continents represented each day. The parents from each country brought native foods to be tried (by 2,300 students!) and decorations from their country and every student dressed in something representing their country and paraded through the school.
The Virkler kids obviously represented the United States on International Day but what all three were most amazed by were the numbers of their friends who had to "decide" which country they were going to represent. Was it the country in which they were born, the country in which one of their parents was from (and hence also their background), or maybe the country in which they most recently lived. The students in an international school are such an amazingly diverse community and it seemed amazing the options that some kids had. One of Ella's best friends was born in Australia (hence an Australian passport) but her parents are British (mother is English, father is Scottish, so she has a British passport) and so the decision of which country to represent was complicated. We had to laugh when she decided to go with Great Britain yet her sister and brother represented Australia! Guess we should be happy that we didn't have any major decisions to make.
What did prove more complicated was deciding what an "American" outfit might be. The kids from Thailand and Cambodia and the Philliphines had the most amazing dresses, the children from India had beautiful ornamentation, the children from Saudia Arabia came in these wonderful robes..... the kids from the United States were a little less clear in their clothing. There were some cowboys, some Indians, a Statue of Liberty and then just those that were patriotic. The Virkler kids fell into the "patriotic" category to the best of our ability. Made us realize that we should pick up some interesting American clothing in the States this summer in anticipation of next year's International Fiesta!
Mommy had to dress up to as a volunteer!